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Transitioning After Divorce


Divorce can be life altering for many people. When a couple is married, they get into a routine and take control of differing responsibilities. However, when the relationship comes to an end, spouses have to learn how to cope without one another and will have to take on additional responsibilities.

If you are currently going through a divorce or a legal separation, here are some things you can start doing now to make the post-divorce transition easier:

§ Learn to take control of your finances. In many marriages, one spouse will take over the payment of bills and make sure the budget is balanced. After a divorce, individual spouses will have to take over this responsibility, which can be daunting. Start preparing your budget now and get in the habit of monitoring and paying your bills.

§ Organize important paperwork. Put together a folder that will contain all of your important records and vital information, such as account number, bank statements and legal paperwork. Should you need this information, it will always be accessible and you will know exactly where to look.

§ Build a network of friends and family. After your divorce, you will need emotional support from time-to-time. Having a network of friends and family that you can call in times of distress will help you get through tough times.

Going through a divorce in Jacksonville? If so, now is the time to hire a Jacksonville divorce lawyer that can help you get through this challenging time. To speak with an attorney, contact Hutchinson Law today!
