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What are Contempt Issues?


Orders that arise out of divorce proceedings are typically considered contempt issues. This means that the order is not enacted to repay a debt but rather to guarantee continuing support or equitable division of assets. For example, support orders are considered a contempt issue because child support and alimony are not debts incurred during the marriage. Rather they are continuing methods of support that fall under the category of contempt.

Likewise child custody and visitation orders don't signify a debt obligation. Courts can invoke their contempt power against a parent to limit child custody or visitation for the safety and well-being of the child. A third situation in which contempt is a factor is property division orders. If one spouse refuses to give up a property, a court can use its contempt powers to order the spouse to relinquish said property under the terms of the divorce settlement.

If you have questions about contempt issues arising from your divorce proceedings, contact Hutchinson Law today to get answers and insight from a Jacksonville family law attorney from our legal team.
