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Divorce and Child Custody


When you have children, getting divorced is much more than just two people separating their lives. You will need to focus your energy instead on what type of child custody you will petition for, as well as child support payments and visitation rights.

For some couples, joint custody is the natural solution to the custody question. When both parents are able to support and care for the child, they can ask for joint physical custody. However, this is not as common as sole physical custody, where the child will live with one parent and have visitation rights with the other.

If you are currently fighting with your spouse over child custody in Florida, you have two basic options: try to settle the dispute on your own or hire a Jacksonville family law attorney. While trying to settle disputes on your own may same wise, you'll usually find it more expedient to work with an experienced family law attorney, like the attorneys at our firm. To learn how we can help you, contact Hutchinson Law now.
