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Some Have Filed for Bankruptcy in Florida due to Lifetime Alimony


According to several reports released last year, some people in the state of Florida had to file for bankruptcy because they were making alimony payments they could not afford. This happened to people that were ordered to pay lifetime alimony even when their own finances couldn't cover such payments to their former spouses. As it stands currently, the law allows the courts to award lifetime alimony until death and can force the paying party to give up to 70% of their own income to the recipient.

While some people do need alimony to survive, there are others that receive payments even though they have full-time jobs. Some people are even re-married and still receive alimony. There are several reform groups working to make changes not only in Florida, but across America in the hopes that lifetime alimony will be terminated. If you are currently paying alimony and you can no longer afford your payments, it is advised that you discuss your situation with a Jacksonville family lawyer from our firm. Before you stop making your scheduled payments contact Hutchinson Law to enlist our services so we can advise you of your options.